
Hepatitis B Virus Targets Lipid Transport Pathways to Infect Hepatocytes

Esser K, Cheng X, Wettengel JM, Lucifora J, Hansen-Palmus L, Austen K, Suarez AAR, Heintz S, Testoni B, Nebioglu F, Pham MT, Yang S, Zernecke A, Wohlleber D, Ringelhan M, Broxtermann M, Hartmann D, Hüser N, Mergner J, Pichlmair A, Thasler WE, Heikenwalder M, Gasteiger G, Blutke A, Walch A, Knolle PA, Bartenschlager R, Protzer U.

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Three exposures to the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 by either infection or vaccination elicit superior neutralizing immunity to all variants of concern

Wratil PR, Stern M, Priller A, Willmann A, Almanzar G, Vogel E, Feuerherd M, Cheng CC, Yazici S, Christa C, Jeske S, Lupoli G, Vogt T, Albanese M, Mejías-Pérez E, Bauernfried S, Graf N, Mijocevic H, Vu M, Tinnefeld K, Wettengel J, Hoffmann D, Muenchhoff M, Daechert C, Mairhofer H, Krebs S, Fingerle V, Graf A, Steininger P, Blum H, Hornung V, Liebl B, Überla K, Prelog M, Knolle P, Keppler OT, Protzer U

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