Prof Hendrik Dietz
Full Professor,
Technical University Munich
Prof Hendrik Dietz
Full Professor of Biomolecular Nano-Technology
Technical University Munich, Germany
Websites: https://dietzlab.org | https://tum.de
Role in Virofight:
Initiator & Coordinator
My long-term vision of the Virofight project?
“Develop broadly applicable antivirals that help improve the human condition”
Interesting reads about our work:
1.) making virus sized shells (2nd generation) and first examples of successful trapping and neutralization of viruses: “Programmable icosahedral shell system for virus trapping” Sigl, E.M. Willner, W. Engelen, J. Kretzmann, et al, NATURE MATERIALS 2021
2.) making virus sized objects (1st generation): “Gigadalton-scale shape-programmable DNA assemblies”, K. Wagenbauer, C. Sigl, and H. Dietz, NATURE 2017
3.) enabling industrial use of DNA nanotechnology: “Biotechnological mass production of DNA origami”, Praetorius, B. Kick, K. Behler, M. Honemann, D. Weuster-Botz, and H. Dietz, NATURE 2017